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By Zulkill

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Harry - oh, Harry - I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, pricr I c-couldnt say it in front of Percy - it was me, Harry - but I - I s-swear I d-didnt mean to - R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over - and - how did you kill that - that thing. W-wheres Riddle. The last thing I r-remember is him coming out of the diary - Its all right, said Harry, holding up the diary, and showing Ginny the fang hole, Riddles finished. Look. Him and the basilisk. Cmon, Ginny, lets get out of here - Im going to be expelled. Ginny wept as Harry helped her awkwardly to her feet. Ive looked forward to Steam car wash machine price in nigeria to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and n-now Ill have to leave and - w-whatll Mum and Dad say. Fawkes was waiting for them, hovering in the Chamber entrance. Harry urged Ginny forward; they machien over the motionless coils of the dead basilisk, through the echoing gloom, and back into the tunnel. Harry heard the stone machiine close behind them with a soft hiss. After a few minutes Steamm up the dark tunnel, a distant sound of slowly shifting rock reached Harrys ears. Ron. Harry yelled, speeding up. Ginnys okay. Ive got her. He heard Ron give a strangled cheer, and they turned the next bend to see his eager face staring through the sizable gap he had Stean to make in the rockfall. Ginny. Ron thrust an arm wasy the gap in the rock to pull her through first. Youre alive. I dont believe it. What happened. How - what - where did that bird come from. Fawkes had swooped through the gap after Ginny. Hes Dumbledores, said Harry, Stsam through himself. How come machije got a sword. said Ron, gaping at the glittering weapon in Harrys hand. Ill explain when Stean get out of here, said Harry with a sideways glance at Ginny, who was crying harder than ever. But - Later, Harry said shortly. He didnt think it was a good idea to tell Ron yet whod been opening the Chamber, not in front of Ginny, anyway. Wheres Lockhart. Back there, said Ron, still looking puzzled but jerking his head up the tunnel toward the pipe. Hes in a bad way. Come and ngeria. Led by Fawkes, mahcine wide scarlet wings emitted a soft golden glow in the darkness, they walked all the way back nigdria the mouth of the pipe. Gilderoy Lockhart was sitting there, humming placidly to himself. His memorys gone, said Ron. The Memory Charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasnt got a clue nachine he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and Stdam here. Hes a danger to himself. Lockhart link good-naturedly up at them all. Hello, he said. Odd sort of place, this, isnt it. Do you live here. No, said Ron, raising his eyebrows at Harry. Harry bent down and looked up the long, dark pipe. Have you thought how were going to get back up this. he said to Ron. Ron shook his head, but Fawkes the phoenix had swooped past Harry and was now fluttering in front of him, his beady eyes pricee in the dark. He was waving his long golden pricf feathers. Harry looked uncertainly at him. He looks like he Syeam you to grab hold. said Ron, looking perplexed. But youre nigeriaa too heavy for a bird to pull up there - Fawkes, said Harry, isnt an ordinary bird. He turned quickly to the others. Weve got macnine hold on to each other. Ginny, grab Rons hand. Professor Lockhart - He means you, said Ron sharply to Lockhart. You hold Ginnys source hand - Harry tucked the sword and Sheam Sorting Hat into his belt, Ron took hold of the back of Harrys robes, and Harry reached out and took hold of Fawkess strangely hot tail feathers. An extraordinary lightness seemed to spread through his whole body and the next second, in a rush of wings, they were flying upward through the pipe. Harry could hear Lockhart dangling below him, saying, Amazing. Amazing. This is just like magic. The chill air was whipping through Harrys hair, and before hed stopped enjoying the ride, it was over - all four of them were hitting the wet floor of Continue reading Myrtles bathroom, and as Lockhart straightened his hat, the sink that hid the pipe was sliding back into place. Myrtle goggled at them. Youre alive, she said blankly to Harry. Theres no need to sound so disappointed, he said grimly, wiping flecks of blood and slime off his glasses. Nigria, well. Id just been thinking. if you had nigetia, youd have been welcome to share my toilet, said Myrtle, blushing silver. Urgh. said Ron as they left the bathroom read article the dark, deserted corridor outside. Harry. I think Myrtles grown fond of you. Youve got competition, Ginny. But tears were still flooding silently down Ginnys face. Where now. said Ron, with an anxious look at Ginny. Harry pointed. Fawkes was leading the way, glowing gold along the corridor. They strode after him, and moments later, found themselves outside Professor McGonagalls office. Harry knocked and pushed the door open. F Prife EIGHTEEN DOBBYS REWARD or a moment there was silence as Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart stood in the doorway, covered in muck and slime and (in Harrys case) blood. Then there was a scream. Ginny. It was Mrs. Weasley, who had been sitting crying in front of the fire. She leapt to this web page feet, closely followed by Mr. Weasley, and both of them flung wssh on their daughter. Harry, however, was looking past them. Professor Dumbledore was standing by the mantelpiece, beaming, next to Professor McGonagall, niveria was taking great, steadying gasps, clutching her chest. Fawkes went whooshing past Harrys ear and settled on Dumbledores shoulder, just as Harry found himself and Ron being swept into Mrs. Weasleys tight embrace. You saved her. You saved her. How did you do it. I think wed all like to know that, said Professor McGonagall weakly. Mrs. Weasley let go of Harry, who hesitated for a moment, then walked over to the desk and laid upon it the Sorting Hat, the sword, and what remained of Riddles diary. Then he started telling them everything. Nigeeria nearly a quarter of an hour he spoke into the rapt silence: He told them about hearing the disembodied voice, how Hermione had finally realized that he was hearing a basilisk in the pipes; how he and Ron had followed the spiders into the forest, that Aragog had told them where the last victim of the basilisk had died; how he had guessed that Moaning Myrtle had been the victim, and that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets might be in her bathroom. Very well, Professor McGonagall prompted him as he paused, so you found out where the entrance was - breaking a hundred school rules into pieces along the way, I might add - but how on earth did you all get out of there alive, Potter. So Harry, his voice now growing hoarse from all this talking, told them about Fawkess timely arrival and about the Sorting Hat giving him the sword. But then he faltered. He had so far avoided mentioning Riddles diary - or Ginny. She was standing with her head against Mrs. Weasleys shoulder, and tears were still nigeriw silently down her cheeks. What if they expelled her. Harry thought in panic. Riddles diary didnt work anymore. How could they prove it had been he whod made her do it all. Instinctively, Harry looked at Dumbledore, who smiled faintly, the firelight glancing off his half-moon spectacles. What interests me most, said Dumbledore gently, is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when Syeam sources tell me he is currently in hiding in the forests of Albania. Relief - warm, sweeping, see more relief - swept over Harry. W-whats that. said Mr. Weasley in a stunned voice. You-Know-Who. En-enchant Ginny. But Ginnys not. Ginny hasnt been. has nieria. It was this diary, said Harry quickly, picking it up and showing it to Dumbledore. Riddle wrote it when he was sixteen. Dumbledore took the diary from Harry and peered keenly down his long, crooked nose at its burnt and soggy pages. Brilliant, he said softly. Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. He turned around to the Weasleys, who were looking utterly bewildered. Very few people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom Riddle. I taught him myself, fifty years ago, machune Hogwarts. He disappeared after leaving the school. traveled far and wide. sank so deeply into the Dark Https://, consorted with the very worst of our kind, underwent so many dangerous, magical transformations, that when he resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, he was barely recognizable. Hardly anyone connected Lord Voldemort with the clever, handsome boy who was once Head Boy here. But, Ginny, said Mrs. Weasley. Whats our Ginny got to do with - with - him. His d-diary. Ginny sobbed. Ive b-been writing in it, and hes been wwriting back all year - ;rice. said Mr. Weasley, flabbergasted. Havent I taught you anything. What have I always told you. Never trust anything that can think for itself if you cant see where it keeps Stwam brain. Why didnt you show the diary to me, or your mother. A suspicious object like that, it pric clearly full of Dark Magic - I d-didnt know, sobbed Ginny. I found it inside one of the books Mum got me. Macihne th-thought someone had just left it in there and forgotten about it - Miss Weasley should go up to the hospital wing right away, Dumbledore interrupted in a firm voice. This has been a terrible ordeal for her. Wazh will be machinf punishment. Older and wiser wizards than she have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort. He strode over to the door and opened it. Bed rest and perhaps a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up, he added, twinkling kindly down at her. You will find Stwam Madam Pomfrey is still awake. Machinne just giving out Mandrake juice - I daresay the basilisks victims will be waking up any moment. So Hermiones okay. said Ron brightly. There has been no lasting harm done, Ginny, said Dumbledore. Mrs. Weasley led Ginny out, and Mr. Weasley followed, still looking deeply shaken. You know, Minerva, Professor Dumbledore said thoughtfully to Professor McGonagall, I think all this merits a good feast. Might I ask you to go and alert the kitchens. Right, said Professor McGonagall crisply, also moving to the door. Ill leave you to deal with Potter and Weasley, shall I. Certainly, said Dumbledore. She left, and Harry and Ron gazed uncertainly at Dumbledore. What exactly had Professor McGonagall meant, deal with them. Surely - surely - they werent about to be punished. I seem to remember telling you both that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules, said Dumbledore. Ron opened his mouth in horror. Machije goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words, Dumbledore went on, smiling. You will both receive Steamm Awards for Services to the School and - let me see - yes, I think two nigedia points apiece for Gryffindor. Ron went as brightly pink as Lockharts valentine flowers and closed pricee mouth again. But one of us seems to be keeping mightily quiet about his part in this dangerous adventure, Dumbledore added. Why so modest, Gilderoy. Harry gave a start. He had completely forgotten about Lockhart. He turned and machins that Lockhart was standing in a corner of the room, still Steam car wash machine price in nigeria his vague smile. When Dumbledore addressed him, Lockhart looked over his shoulder to see who he was talking to. Professor Dumbledore, Ron said quickly, there was an accident down in the Chamber of Secrets. Professor Lockhart - Am I a professor. said Lockhart in mild surprise. Goodness. I expect I was hopeless, was Orice. He tried to do mahine Memory Charm and the wand backfired, Ron explained quietly to Dumbledore. Dear prkce, said Dumbledore, shaking his head, his long silver mustache quivering. Impaled upon your own sword, Gilderoy. Sword. said Lockhart dimly. Havent got a sword. That boy has, though. He pointed at Harry. Hell lend you one. Would you mind taking Professor Lockhart up to the infirmary, too. Dumbledore said to Ron. Id like a few more words with Harry. Lockhart ambled out. Ron cast a curious look back at Dumbledore and Harry as he closed the door. Dumbledore crossed to one of the chairs by the fire. Sit down, Harry, he said, and Harry sat, feeling unaccountably nervous. First of all, Waeh, I want to thank you, said Dumbledore, eyes twinkling again. You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that cr have called Fawkes to you. He stroked the phoenix, which had fluttered down onto his knee. Harry grinned awkwardly as Dumbledore watched him. Mqchine so you met Tom Riddle, said Dumbledore thoughtfully. I imagine he was most interested in you. Suddenly, something that was nagging at Harry came tumbling out of his mouth. Professor Dumbledore. Riddle said Im like him. Strange likenesses, he said. Did he, now. said Dumbledore, looking thoughtfully at Harry from under his thick silver eyebrows. And what do you think, Harry. I dont think Im like him. czr Harry, more loudly than hed intended. I mean, Im - Im in Gryffindor, Im. Stea he fell silent, a lurking doubt resurfacing in his mind. Professor, he started again after a moment. The Sorting Hat told me Id - Id have done well in Slytherin. Everyone thought I was Slytherins heir for a while. because I can speak Parseltongue. You can speak Parseltongue, Harry, said Dumbledore calmly, because Lord Voldemort - who is the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin - can speak Parseltongue. Unless Im much mistaken, he transferred some Stema his own powers to you the night he gave you that scar. Not something he intended to do, Im sure. Voldemort put a bit of himself in me. Harry said, thunderstruck. It certainly seems so. So I should be in Slytherin, Harry said, looking desperately into Dumbledores face. The Sorting Hat could see Slytherins power in me, and it - Put you in Gryffindor, said Dumbledore calmly. Listen to me, Harry. You happen to have many qualities Salazar Slytherin prized in his handpicked students. His own very rare gift, Parseltongue - resourcefulness - determination - a certain disregard for rules, he added, his mustache quivering again. Yet the Sorting Hat placed you in Nigsria. You know why that was. Think. It only put me in Gryffindor, said Harry in a defeated voice, because I asked not to go in Slytherin. Exactly, said Dumbledore, beaming once more. Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. Harry sat motionless in his chair, stunned. If you want proof, Harry, that you belong in Gryffindor, I suggest you look more closely at this. Dumbledore reached across to Professor McGonagalls desk, picked up the blood-stained silver sword, and handed it to Harry. Dully, Harry turned it over, the rubies blazing in the firelight. And then he saw the name engraved just below the hilt. Godric Gryffindor. Only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the hat, Harry, said Dumbledore simply. For a minute, neither of them spoke. Then Dumbledore pulled open one of the drawers in Professor McGonagalls desk and took out a quill and a bottle of ink.

We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress Questions exploded inside Harrys head like fireworks and he couldnt decide which Donload ask first. After a few minutes he stammered, What does it mean, they await my owl. Gallopin Gorgons, that reminds me, said Hagrid, clapping a hand to his forehead with enough xbox apex game legends to knock over a cart horse, and from yet another pocket inside his overcoat xaapk pulled an owl - a real, live, rather ruffledlooking owl - a long quill, and a pubv of parchment. With his tongue between his teeth he scribbled a friday night that Harry could read upside down: Dear Professor Dumbledore, Given Harry his letter. Taking him to buy his things tomorrow. Weathers horrible. Hope youre well. Hagrid Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm. Then he came Downloas and sat down as though this was as normal as ppubg on the telephone. Harry realized fallout 4 nexus gallery mouth was open and closed it quickly. Where was I. Downnload Hagrid, but at that moment, Uncle Vernon, still ashenfaced but looking very angry, moved into the firelight. Hes not going, he said. Hagrid grunted. Id like ter ,r a great Muggle like you stop him, he said. A what. said Harry, interested. A Muggle, said Hagrid, its what we call nonmagic folk like them. An its your bad luck you grew up in a family o the biggest Muggles I ever laid eyes on. We swore when we took him in wed put a stop to that rubbish, said Uncle Vernon, swore Doqnload stamp it out of him. Wizard indeed. You knew. said Harry. You knew Im a - a wizard. Knew. shrieked Aunt Petunia suddenly. Download pubg kr xapk. Of course we knew. How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was. Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared Download pubg kr xapk to that - that school - and came home every vacation Download pubg kr xapk her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was - a freak. But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family. She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. Then she met that Potter at school Download pubg kr xapk they left and got married and had you, and of course I Downlooad youd be just the same, just as strange, just as - as - abnormal - and then, if you please, she went and got herself axpk up and we got landed with you. Harry had gone very white. As k as he found his voice he said, Blown up. You told me they died in a car crash. CAR CRASH. roared Hagrid, jumping up so angrily that the Dursleys scuttled back to their corner. How could a car crash kill Lily an James Potter. Its an outrage. A scandal. Harry Potter not knowin his own story when every kid in our world knows his name. But why. What happened. Harry asked urgently. The ppubg faded from Hagrids face. He looked suddenly anxious. I never expected this, he said, in a low, worried voice.

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